Kostiantyn Lysenko's casual blog

Introspection Bits

I thought lately:

  • That analysing your feelings and thoughts (especially negative one) - have its’ own self worth - because, for example, you cannot be angry and analyse why at the same time. So irrespective of the outcome, you will be in a better state of mind.
  • An interesting idea in the “the upside of irrationality” book - that humans are very good in adapting to changes, but greatly underestimate their ability to adapt. For some reason this idea help me to deal with procrastination. It makes it’s easier to start something - because I tell myself - “You underestimate your ability to adapt - just start it - you will be fine” :)
  • If you want to change something, if you start to change that something, some changes will be bad. And then over time you will come with a better outcome, state.

Generate QR Codes with URL From CLI

Why? It can be useful to have a QR code for a URL, opportunities are endless. For example, you can print it on your business card, or use it for sharing information about a user group.

Generate QR code

brew install qrtool
qrtool encode "https://lysenko.dev" -t ansi-true-color # Generate QR code in terminal
qrtool encode "https://lysenko.dev" > qr.png # Generate QR code in PNG format

URL can be scanned by any mobile device with a camera - and it will open the URL in a browser.


Cloudflare outage Post Mortem and Monocle

Recently I read quite interesting DNS outage post-mortem from Cloudflare: https://blog.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-1111-incident-on-june-27-2024

It’s really fascinating to read about BGP security and at the same time quite concerning that some Tier-1 ISP still doesn’t have proper BGP security in place.

When I read technical details of the post-mortem - I also found out about Monocle tool that allow to investigate BGP routing (issues): https://github.com/bgpkit/monocle
Btw, Monocle is written in Rust :)

Insights on how to reduce noise in AWS Access Analyser


Recently I read an interesting article:


Well, I don’t expect it to be interesting for most of people.

But for people that are in charge of security reviews of company AWS accounts and review AWS Access Analyser - it makes life much simpler.

Basically it shows a way to mute repeated false postitives. For example when you use SSO all new SSO users will be shown in AWS Access Analyser - that probably not a good thing. Especially if you have a lot of those.

Then you can just go to Archive rules - and auto archive SSO users :)

More details are in the article.

Review of Fake ransomware article


Recently I read an interesting article on fake ransomware:

Fake ransomware gang targets U.S. orgs with empty data leak threats: https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/fake-ransomware-gang-targets-us-orgs-with-empty-data-leak-threats/

That was quite fascinating insight in social engineering in cyber crime world: that fake ransomware is quite widespread and popular.

Why work hard on hacking somebody servers if you can just claim that you stole the data and demand the ransom? :)

Surprisingly effective tactic. So to say - lean approach in the world of ransomware gangs.

Review of Design your life for happiness with Elizabeth Dunn


Recently I listened to an interesting TED talk:


That was quite interesting insight in happiness causes. It seems that we are wired to be happy when we share, when we give, when we help each other.

Other insights:

  • people that buy time with money are usually happier
  • people who don’t use their smartphone during together meal are happier

One more brick to the happiness in life :)

Review of TED talk about AI LLM being smart and stupid


Recently I listened to an interesting TED talk suggested by our CEO:


That was quite interesting insight in strength and weaknesses of AI LLM like ChatGPT.

  • Large Language Models(LLM) training date is huge but reasoning is still quite weak.
  • LLM sustainability is an open question
  • LLM think what next word to say, not what to say.
    • And that’s why they hallucinate.
  • Even before watching this talk I got impression of LLM as super/very hardworking and at the same time very low intelligence system.
  • AI Scientist in a talk tells that we should work on more intelligent models, idea is replace quantity with quality have a lot of downsides.
  • So LLM is not something to fear, it’s something to stay and be useful. But we can do much better AI systems in future :)

How to add showcmd to spacevim

How to display commands that you type in Normal mode in statusbar

As a novice in vim I would like to visually see which command I’m typing when I use VIM.
It appears not so straightforward in SpaceVIM as it already have pretty much magic around configuration.
When I wrote this documentation I used spacevim version 2.1.0 and neovim version 0.9.