I use some KDE applications on my Macbook Pro.
And some of them looks very bad with MacOS X dark mode.
So I would like to disable dark mode for those specific applications.
First I need to find out a Bundle identifier of the application.
$ sudo find / -iname 2>&1 | grep -v "Operation not permitted"
$ cd /usr/local/Cellar/kmymoney/5.0.6_1/bin/
$ $ cat Info.plist |grep -A 1 CFBundleIdentifier
so bundle identifier is org.kde.KMyMoney
Then let’s disable dark mode for KMyMoney:
defaults write org.kde.KMyMoney NSRequiresAquaSystemAppearance -bool yes
if we would need to enable it back - we would need to execute:
defaults write org.kde.KMyMoney NSRequiresAquaSystemAppearance
- How to Exclude an App From Dark Mode in macOS Mojave
- Reddit: How to enable Mojave dark mode for applications that don’t support it