Summary of important things that I did in 2024
- I opened for myself mindfulness practice.
- I reduced my weight from 96 to 86 kg.
- I found a new job as SRE Lead at Agoda.
- I rearranged my “work from home” office room to have a better working place.
- I added more pictures to my yearly review to illustrate what was done.
Most interesting/inspiring people I met during 2024:
This year I met really a lot of interesting people. Mostly because my new workplace - Agoda has a lot of smart, talented and interesting people. I could make this list much longer, but it wouldn’t be practical, so I will limit it to 6 people.
- Artavazd Balaian - Senior Lead Software Engineer at Agoda.
- I’m impressed by his ability to challenge the status quo and his ability to think outside the box.
- Jamie Lennox - Director of TPM at Agoda.
- He connects people and be a force behind solving company wide problems. That’s really inspiring.
- Tzahi Hakikat - Director Of Operations in Agoda
- Always has unorthodox view on ideas and problems. Combined with deeply practical approach - I would like to be able to do the same.
- Witchanon Umpriwan - Staff SRE Engineer at Agoda
- I’m impressed by his ability to dig into complex issues and find a solution really fast. I would like to be as fast as he is.
- Philipp Wiendl - Senior DevOps Engineering Manager at Agoda
- Great ability to organize and make everything simple and manageable.
- I want to learn and improve my ability in those areas.
- Jirapong Wattanatom - SRE Team Lead at Agoda
- He has a lot of cool skills to look up to.
- And the most I’m impressed by his ability to care about team and prioritize what’s important.
New hobby this year:
- I started to cook more
- A lot of simple food, like fried eggs, kashas, vegetable salads, cut fruits, baked chicken nuggets and so on.
- I baked a Charlotte cake.
- Mindfulness practice
Two might-have-been dream in this year:
- Achieve a full compliance with sleep and walk SLO
- Move to Australia
- I tried to find a job in Australia, but it appears that it’s very hard to find a job there if you are abroad.
- Apply for a Green Card
- I was way too busy with my work for that, it was end of my trial period in Agoda, so I had to focus on work.
- I almost stopped drinking coffee for the first 8 months, but then I started to drink it again.
- No coffee was a really good for me. Especially on sleep quality.
- I need to find a way to get back to no coffee routine.
What did not go well
- Electronic clutter started to grow again.
- I got laid off from my job at PropertyGuru.
- PropertyGuru laid off all engineers in Bangkok office.
- Funny Picture
What went well
- I managed to reduce my weight from 96 kg to 86 kg.
- I greatly improved my sleep pattern.
- I found a new job in Agoda as Lead SRE Engineer.
- That a really great place to work and grow as a (SRE) engineer.
- What’s interesting that I got two job offers from Agoda and another company. I was impressed by me pulling that off.
- In addition to being a great work place, Agoda has nice event for employees and their families. Like a Halloween party.
- Photos
- I started to write code again.
- Including exercises from Cracking the Coding Interview book.
- I found Sunday coding sessions meet-up
- That contributed to my coding practice.
- I rearranged my “work from home” office room to have a better working place.
- standing desk
- split keyboard
- Photos
- I read some books. 20 minutes of books reading every day. Books I read:
- “Database Reliability Engineering: Designing and Operating Resilient Database Systems” by Laine Campbell and Charity Majors
- “System Design Interview – An insider’s guide” by Alex Xu, Volumes 1 and 2
- We travelled:
- Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur
- Mainly to get new visas for Thailand.
- In addition we also went to cool places for kids.
- Kidzania - kids can try different professions there.
- Super Park - kids can play there, trampoline, slides, climbing walls and more :)
- Photos
- Thailand, Khao Kho
- We visited “Amazing Dinosaurs” and Windmill farms.
- Kids were quite happy :)
- Photos
- Thailand, Khao Lak
- See the sea, beach, kids club, and relax.
- Thailand, Korat
- Jim Thompson farm
- We go there every year, and it’s always fun.
- Every year we see something new. This year there was a lot of information about rice and products from it.
- Photos
- Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur
- Mindfulness practice was a real game changer for me. I started to be much happier and more productive.
- I use Headspace app for that.
- I realize that being present here and now can make you much happier and more productive.
- I noticed that I can be more calm and less anxious.
- Kids are growing
- Kids are smart and cute
- Photos
- I continue to organize Ukrainian IT Fridays
- I do less doom scrolling now
- I found it’s effective to install apps that add delay to opening social media apps.
- I moved from emacs back to neovim.
- Now my NeoVIM config is growing :D
Job search story in 2024
- In February 2024 PropertyGuru laid off all engineers in Bangkok office.
- IT job market is very cold in 2024.
- I realized that sending CVs to companies is not effective.
- Before I realized that I spent a lot of time optimizing my CV and sending it to companies.
- You need to contact people directly.
- So finding a job is now a full time job by itself.
- For me it wasn’t very hard to pass the job interviews, but it was hard to get them.
- I mean interviews were challenging and they ask hard questions.
- At the same time I have about 20 years of experience in SysOps, DevOps, SRE.
- So I can answer most of the questions.
- PropertyGuru lay off was a wake up call for me.
- I live in Thailand on a work visa.
- Any time I can be laid off. And my visa will be cancelled.
- I need to settle somewhere, I cannot just be on a temporary visas all the time.
- One of the options is to apply for a Green Card in the USA.
- Another option is to move to Australia.
- Good parts of the job search - that I wanted to become better:
- More coding and system design practice.
- Mindfullness.
- Experimenting and learning new things.
- Better prioritization and time management.
What I would like to achieve in 2025?
I want to:
- I want to reduce doom scrolling to less than 30 minutes per day.
- Why? it steals my time and my motivation (due to dopamine depletion)
- Doom scrolling is:
- Telegram
- Google News
- Netflix
- I can control it through screen time log on my phone.
- I want to be mindful every day.
- Why? it makes me happier and more productive.
- That’s hard to measure.
- I can check my mood and what I’m worry about monthly.
- I want to excel at workplace
- Why? it will help my money goal and move to Australia goal
- How?
- keep my performance at work at more than expected or better level
- learn new things
- have progress in my career (establish track to senior lead engineer)
- sleep >= 7:30 hours per day for at least 20 days per month.
- Why? it’s a foundation of everything.
- Get a better sleeping place for myself.
- Why? it’s a foundation of everything.
- Have my weight <= 80 kg.
- Why? to feel better, to have more energy, to progress in workplace (it’s much easier to go to office when you lighter), to make life easier.
- Do at least 8000 steps monthly average.
- I want to try monthly average, to incentivize me to do more than 8k steps on some days to compensate for less steps on other days.
- fix >= 2 of my health problems
- Why? to make my life easier and more enjoyable.
- write code every day. programming language doesn’t matter.
- Why? to progress in my career.
- continue with Sunday coding sessions.
- Find one more way to practice coding.
- earn 5000 USD per month after expenses.
- Why? to have more freedom, that will make me happier.
- continue to invest in ETF fund(s) and provident fund
- find 3rd source of income.
- Get progress in moving to Australia.
- Why? unsureness about my future in Thailand makes me anxious and stressed.
- Define plan, milestones, what my progress look like.
- Start to move towards that goal.
- Save 100 hours by automating things.
- Why? I’ll have more time and it will help me with my coding practice.
- Personal finance
- Bills
- Tasks logs
- Migrate all my notes to Obsidian
- That can sound silly - but I want a better chair :)
- Why? My lower back will thank me.
- I want to limit coffee to 1 cup per week.
- Why? I will sleep better and my stomach will feel better.
Retrospective on 2024 goals.
I wanted:
- I want to plan every coming day.
- It appeared to be superfluous. Currently I think that instead of list of tasks you need list of priorities.
- sleep >= 7:30 hours per day for at least 20 days per month.
- Get a better sleeping place for myself.
- 5 months out of 12
- Better than 2023, but still not enough.
- That should be my priority in 2025 as sleep is a foundation of everything.
- Have my weight <= 90 kg.
- Do at least 8000 steps every day
- 2 months out of 12
- I’ll try 8k average steps every day, that should motivate me to do more than 8k steps on some days to compensate for less steps on other days.
- fix >= 2 of my health problems
- write code >= 3 days per week. programming language doesn’t matter.
- Finding sunday coding sessions was a great help.
- I also do programming exercises from Cracking the Coding Interview book every weekend.
- earn 5000 USD per month after expenses.
- I continue to invest in ETF fund(s)
- I started to invest in provident fund.
- start speaking Thai, even if it will be very simple talks.
- I’m in fully Thai team now, that helps :)
Job search

Job search
Cooking a cake

Charlotte cake
Life at Agoda
At Agoda Lobby
Halloween at Agoda 01
Halloween at Agoda 02
Agoda SRE Team
Amazing Dinosaurs

Kids at Amazing Dinosaurs
Korat and Jim Thompson farm
Kids at Jim Thompson farm
Jim Thompson farm
Kids are growing
Malaysia Trip

Kids in Malaysia
Ukrainian IT Fridays 2024

Ukrainian IT Fridays
Office work from home setup revamp

Workplace revamp
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