Yearly Sum Up

2022 year sum up

Summary of important things that I did in 2022 year

  • One health issue solved.
  • We travelled a lot in Thailand by car.
  • I travelled to Singapore, first time out of Thailand since covid-19 started
  • I organized several Bangkok’s DevOps Fridays and visited bunch of other developers meet-ups.
  • I’m reading books again :)
  • I made a nice work setup at home office.

2020-2021 years sum up

Summary of important things that I did in 2020-2021 years

Due to piling up routine I got to writing 2020 year sum-up only in the end of 2021.
So it will be both 2020 and 2021 years sum-up.

  • One health issue solved.
  • We travelled a lot in Thailand by car.
  • I organized bunch of Bangkok’s DevOps Fridays, created an interesting community of great engineers.
  • We moved to a much better apartment (better for us and for kids) near a park :)
  • covid-19 wasn’t that bad in Thailand, but still there was a lot of sitting at home due to lockdown, curfews and restrictions.

2019 year sum up

Summary of important things that I did in year 2019

Due to procrastination I delayed my sum-up for year 2019 till May 2020, but here I’m.

  • One health issue solved.
  • I started to do Yoga.
  • I reduced my weight from ~105 kg to <= 95 kg.
  • We travelled to the Khao Kho and Nam Nao in Thailand by car.
  • We travelled to Japan and I drove a rental car in Japan :)
  • I travelled to Vietnam so +2 new countries this year.
  • I bought a bigger car for us to travel.
  • and we travelled to Krabi on it.
  • Our familty (will) have +1 baby in 2020 bringing babies amount up to 2 :)

2016/2017 years sum up

For some reason I skipped 2016 year’s sum-up, so I will write two years sum-up this year.

  • 5 important things that I did at 2016/2017 years:
    • +1 in our familty, his name is Ilya.
    • In april 2016 I parted my ways with and started to work with PropertyGuru Group in Bangkok, Thailand. Thank you for all the good time! I learnt a lot during my work there.
    • I moved to DevOps Team Lead role.
    • Our family visited Ukraine, we weren’t there for about 3 years.
    • Sold a car in Malaysia and bought a new one in Thailand.

2015 year sum up

  • 5 important things that I did this year:
    • moved to Malaysia, Cyberjaya and lived there for a year.
    • bought a car and travel all around Kuala Lumpur (+- 300 km) on it.
    • found a better job, so I’m moving back to Thailand, Bangkok.
    • learnt more about chef&ruby and basics of LISP and golang.
    • started to read technical books again.

2013 year sum up

  • 5 important things that I did this year:
    • Learn how to drive a car.
    • go to second big travel to Asia, living in Thailand, Krabi during 2013/2014 winter.
    • go for two short travels to Malaysia. By plane from Ko Samui to Kuala Lumpur, by car from Krabi to Penang island.
    • go for short travel to Germany.
    • Finish Introduction to Finance course on Coursera

2012 year sum up

  • Two important things that I did this year:
    • Went to big travel to Asia, living in Thailand during 2012/2013 winter.
    • Went for short travel to Greece and UAE.